Ajax Training in Vadodara
A REST (Representational State Transfer) API design and AJAX (Asynchronous JavaScript and XML).
The training course would typically cover the principles and best practices for designing and building web services using REST architecture, as well as using AJAX to make asynchronous requests to those services from a web page.
(1)MIME Types
(2) Request & Response Header
(3) HTTP Methods
(4) Introduction Of Rest API
(5) Rest API Design Patterns
(6) Designing Rest API By Using Server Side Programming
(7) AJAX Fundamentals
(8) Ajax With Java Script
(9) Ajax With JQuery
(1) HTML, CSS , Java Script, ES6
1. create and consume RESTful web services in a web application, and also to make use of the Asynchronous feature of JavaScript to update web pages without a full-page refresh.
2. Able to use the XMLHttpRequest object and the Fetch API to make requests, retrieve andĀ manipulate the data, and handle errors.
3. Designing and implementing RESTful APIs using the HTTP methods (GET, POST, PUT, DELETE) and HTTP status codes
4. Able to use libraries such as jQuery to make these requests.