Android Training in Vadodara
Android — the operating system that powers nearly 90% of these devices.
This course covers the use of Java and the Android architecture, the Android SDK, and the use of Android Studio for developing mobile applications for the Android platform.
(1) Installation And Configuration Of Software To Run Android Program On Real Devices
(2) Android Directory Structure
(3) Basic Concepts Of Android Programming
(4) Android Components
(5) Type Of Activities
(6) Activity Life Cycle
(7) UI Components With Events Handling
(8) Android Resources
(9) Layout Managers
(10) Adapters
(11) Style & Themes
(12) Responsive UI Design
(13) Intent And Intents Filters
(14) Layout Inflator
(15) Android Fragments, Fragments Life Cycle
(16) Menu Programming
(17) Services
(18) Broadcast Receivers
(19) Content Providers
(20) I/O Programming
(21) Sqlite Programming
(22) Working With Camera And Gallery
(23) Network Connectivity
(24) Rest API Calling
(1) Core Java
(2) Any Server Side Programming Language.
(3) JsonArray/JsonObject/Xml/network programming
1. Creating and handling activities and layouts
2. Testing, debugging and deploying android apps Top of Form
3. to create their own Android applications.
4. able to use Android Studio and the Java programming language, and have experience
designing and building Android apps.
5. able to test and debug apps, as well as understand the process of publishing an app to the Google Play Store.
6. able to work on existing android projects and understand how to improve it.